Easily and quickly apply reliable cable sleeves


Cable sleeves are a reliable and sturdy solution to identify cables. Applying a cable sleeve is not always easy, especially when you want to identify thin cables using tiny sleeves. With our QuickSleeve handheld sleeve applicator, applying sleeves becomes a lot faster and easier.

Easily apply cable sleeves

QuickSleeve is an intuitive multitool that offers quick, efficient and ergonomic sleeve application. It enables you to easily pick a sleeve, slip a cable in and apply the sleeve by sliding it over the cable. QuickSleeve includes:

  • an applicator for 4.6mm sleeves
  • an applicator for 6 mm sleeves
  • an applicator for 8.5 mm sleeves
  • an applicator for 11.15 mm sleeves
  • a terminal block sized screwdriver to terminate wires
  • an LED flashlight

A wide range of reliable sleeves

Brady offers a wide range of reliable sleeves that can easily be applied with QuickSleeve. Cable sleeves are a flexible identification solution that can be moved along a cable until heat shrunk into position. This enables you to adjust sleeve position once cables are terminated. Sleeves need to be slid over the cable before termination.

Design and print on-site

On-site printing capabilities eliminate the need to carry loads of preprinted identification labels. Choose the printer that best fulfils your needs and select a few cartridges of your favourite sleeves to print at your location and on demand. When coupled with Brady Workstation apps for sleeve design, our portable and benchtop printers can print almost any sleeve for any application.

Quickly and easily apply the tiniest cable sleeves with QuickSleeve.