Cost of sample loss


A rising tide of samples

The 21st century has brought unprecedented medical advances, and those advances are continually changing the way we diagnose, treat and cure disease. But change does not come without its challenges. For laboratories, the rising tide of samples has put increased scrutiny on the way you identify, track and report samples.

Cost of sample loss

We recently surveyed 350 scientists about their sample management processes. Nearly 60% of them reported having occasionally lost samples due to label failure, and almost half of those reported the loss impacted more than 2% of their samples.

Loss means different things across various types of labs, from a minor inconvenience to major devastation.

  • In a clinical setting, sample loss can lead to misdiagnosis, delays in diagnosis or even fatalities and law suits.
  • In a pharmaceutical environment, it can postpone or halt drug development and production.
  • In an academic laboratory, it can impair or even void your findings.
  • In a biotechnology setting, it can compromise your quality control, data integrity, or drug safety. It also opens the door for the possibility of intellectual property loss or delay in technology and product.

In any of these situations, a single sample loss can mean critical data or information will have to be reproduced at a potentially huge additional cost.
