Brady Scanner V4500 Firmware

New Features in this Release

    Version 1.0.7

  • Initial Mass Release


    Version 1.0.7

  • Fixed an issue with AGC logging.
  • Updated UI translation files.
  • Improved UI readability of translated languages.

Outstanding Issues


  • None
  • Non-Critical

  • Unable to send images, and large files from the V4500 to the host via RS232

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Download and install CortexTools 3.
  2. Unzip firmware file and note location.
  3. Open CortexTools 3.
  4. If connected via USB a popup will appear and will ask if you would like the device communication to be switched to USB HID Vendor mode, click Yes.
  5. If the device is connected vis RS-232 click on the COM Ports menu and select the COM port that the device is connected to, a popup will ask for the RS-232 settings for the device. The default values are 115200 Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, and None for Parity.
  6. With the device connected a picture will be displayed to the right of the window.
  7. Drag and drop the firmware file or select "Browse" or the folder icon in the top left of the file download box to navigate to unzipped file.
  8. After the .ufw file has been selected click "Download File"
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Brady Scanner V4500 Firmware